
The origins of Shortland Parsley can be traced back to an agricultural firm established in 1892 by Walker Briggs. Considerable development, followed by reorganisation and changes of trading name occurred during the first half of the 20th Century and, in the 1950’s, the firm became known as John Briggs and Calder – John Briggs being the son of Walker, with Ron Calder joining the firm as a partner.

The business continued to expand in the ensuing decades with the current principal, Keith Parsley, joining the firm in 1978, and being taken into partnership in 1981.

In 1992 – the firm’s centenary year – Keith Parsley introduced his own name into its trading style to better express the firm’s local knowledge and personal service.

In 1998, John Briggs & Parsley, as the practice was then known, merged with Coventry based Shortland Horne, from which the firm – Shortland Parsley – was developed.

In 2017, James Parsley joined the practice as an equity Partner.

Shortland Parsley and Shortland Horne continue to benefit from a close association, both in terms of professional expertise and support staff, and offer a complementary range of services.

Shortland Parsley Timeline